Can Microsoft HealthVault vault into Japan?
This article is written in Japanese but followed by English portion.
This article has English portion exceptionally :-).
The post by Dr. Crounse reminded me of something I told in US.
I visited Microsoft HQ at Redmond, WA in September, 2007. Neil Jordan, global head of Healthcare at Microsoft, said to us, "We will unveil one more thing in several weeks in addition to Azyxxi and Medstory."
I have forgotten about it.
I am trying to think about impacts to Japanese healthcare IT guys.
How did Japanese government take this news?
Will they attempt to adopt similar scheme to Japan?
How about IT companies in Japan?
It is so interesting.
I also added HealthVault blog RSS feed to my list.
YAMANOBE Yuji from Tokyo, Japan
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Dr. Yamanobe,
It was my great pleasure to meet with you and other staff members from the National Center for Child Health and Development during my visit to Tokyo. You should be very proud of the fine work you are doing to improve the quality and safety of patient care and the satisfaction of those receiving and providing care. Few hospitals in America are as "paperless" as yours. And now, in working with Microsoft, you are seeking even greater innovations for your hospital to improve the efficiency and quality of care. Thank you for meeting with me. All of us at Microsoft wish you the very best.
Bill Crounse, MD
Worldwide Health Director
Microsoft Corporation
Redmond, Washington
投稿: Bill Crounse | 2007/10/12 05:01